Friday, July 27, 2012

Chocolate's Emotional Effects

By Steve Campbell

When you are depressed or troubled, who are you going to call? No, this is not a muddled lyric of a song or two. This is just a shrewd question that can be answered by consuming chocolate.

No, there is no scientific evidence that will support the optimistic gain that a individual could gain emotionally from chocolates. Some people even suggest that chocolates cause headaches, even severe ones like migraines. Different people have different views. But most of them would say that this really is a delight no matter how it affects you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Focusing on the emotions, there may be no authorised investigation about the effects of chocolates on one's emotions. But there are popular beliefs. And people have formed varying opinions about the topic.

Sudden Happiness

Chocolates are recognised as uppers when despair strikes you, when you least expect it. This is why, people turn to this delight to feel elated even for a moment while they are so depressed.

But because the positive effect can be short-lived, individuals are inclined to eat a large amount of the treat delight. For this reason, the harmful effect on their body starts to show. Everything that is taken in excess is bad for you. Chocolates contain sugar and fats that should be taken in moderation.

Also chocolates are full of carbohydrates and this increases the level of tryptophan in the brain which produces serotonin. The latter helps regulate one's mood and often creates a jolly affirmative feeling.

Good for the Heart

It is also common knowledge that chocolate is good for the heart. It raises the level of sensitivity of human blood vessels. This process is helpful in preventing heart ailments. Chocolate can also boost one's tolerance to glucose. And besides, chocolates have anti oxidant ingredients that can prevent people in exceptional cases from having cancer.

But again, take note that these are fashionable beliefs by individuals who love the treat. Scientific research, in time, might find ways to disprove or reaffirm these claims. So we can enjoy good health by chocolate.

Negative Outcry

Individuals blame chocolates for being too addicting. As a result, such sweet treats lead to headaches, rectal itching, to serious sickness like obesity and heart burn. It is even known to cause individuals to be irritable, confused and temperamental. Some people have been known to turn against other vices like alcohol or smoking and start eating hoards of chocolates instead.

You can blame it on the more than 350 chemicals that are in chocolates. And for that reason many people conclude that it also causes allergies.

Generally, women are more prone to crave chocolates than men. This maybe due to the fact that chocolates contain magnesium. This can explain why women turn to chocolate during Post Menstrual Syndrome, known to many as the PMS. At this period, women suffer lack of magnesium, enough reason for the craving and all.

Making chocolate is a known process to make one happy. Eating the treat will satisfy more of the craving for such delicacy. Just remember to take chocolates moderately for health by chocolate. Even the best things in life have a negative impact if you will not learn to control yourself from taking in a little bit too much.

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